@groovy.transform.AutoFinal @groovy.transform.CompileStatic class SynchronousEventBus extends AbstractEventBus
A default synchronous event bus for testing
Fields inherited from class | Fields |
class AbstractEventBus |
subscriptions |
Constructor and description |
() |
Type Params | Return Type | Name and description |
protected java.util.concurrent.Callable |
buildNotificationCallable(Event event, java.util.Collection<Subscription> eventSubscriptions, groovy.lang.Closure reply) |
Methods inherited from class | Name |
class AbstractEventBus |
buildClosureSubscription, buildNotificationCallable, buildNotificationTrigger, buildSubscriberSubscription, isActive, notify, notify, notify, on, publish, publish, publish, sendAndReceive, sendAndReceive, subscribe, subscribe, unsubscribeAll |