A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z _


AbstractEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.bus
Abstract event bus impl
AbstractEventBus.1 - Class in org.grails.events.bus
AbstractEventBus.1() - Constructor in AbstractEventBus.1
AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization - Class in org.grails.events.bus
AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger - Class in org.grails.events.bus
AbstractEventBus() - Constructor in AbstractEventBus
AbstractPromiseFactory - Class in grails.async.factory
Abstract implementation of the PromiseFactory interface, subclasses should extend this class to obtain common generic functionality
AbstractPromiseFactory() - Constructor in AbstractPromiseFactory
AbstractSubscription - Class in org.grails.events.registry
Abstract subscription
AbstractSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, Map<CharSequence, Collection<Subscription>>) - Constructor in AbstractSubscription
accept(T) - Method in BoundPromise
accept(T) - Method in Consumer
Execute the logic of the action, accepting the given parameter.
accept(T) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
accept(T) - Method in GparsPromise
accept(T) - Method in Promise
Assigns a value to an unfulfilled promise
accept(List<T>) - Method in PromiseList
accept(Map<K, V>) - Method in PromiseMap
accept(T) - Method in SynchronousPromise
actor - Property in ActorEventBus
ActorEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.gpars
A event bus that uses GPars actors
ActorEventBus() - Constructor in ActorEventBus
add(Promise<T>) - Method in PromiseList
Implementation of add that takes a promise, adding it to the list
addCompletionHandler(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
addErrorHandler(Consumer<Throwable>) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
addPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy(grails.async.decorator.PromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
addPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy(grails.async.decorator.PromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy) - Method in PromiseFactory
Adds a PromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy.
addTimeoutHandler(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
afterCommit() - Method in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
afterCompletion(int) - Method in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in EventBusFactoryBean
afterPropertiesSet() - Method in GormDispatcherRegistrar
AnnotatedSubscriber - Trait in org.grails.events.transform
Registers subscribed methods.
applicationContext - Property in EventBusFactoryBean
applicationContext - Property in SpringEventBus
APPLIED_MARKER - Field in PublisherTransform
APPLIED_MARKER - Field in SubscriberTransform
applyDecorators(Closure<T>, List<PromiseDecorator>) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
applyDecorators(Closure<T>, List<PromiseDecorator>) - Method in PromiseFactory
Applies the registered decorators to the given closure
AsyncActionResultTransformer - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async.mvc
Handles an Async response from a controller
AsyncActionResultTransformer() - Constructor in AsyncActionResultTransformer
asyncContext - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
asyncContext - Property in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
AsyncController - Trait in grails.async.web
Exposes a startAsync() method for access to the Servlet 3.x API
AsyncGrailsWebRequest - Class in grails.async.web
Implementation of Spring 4.0 AsyncWebRequest interface for Grails
AsyncGrailsWebRequest(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jakarta.servlet.ServletContext, org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) - Constructor in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
asyncGrailsWebRequest - Property in GrailsAsyncContext
asyncRequest - Property in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async
A promise decorated lookup strategy that binds a WebRequest to the promise thread
AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator(org.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest) - Constructor in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async
A promise decorated lookup strategy that binds a WebRequest to the promise thread
AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy() - Constructor in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy


beforeCommit(boolean) - Method in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
BoundPromise - Class in org.grails.async.factory
A bound promise is a promise which is already resolved and doesn't require any asynchronous processing to calculate the value
BoundPromise(T) - Constructor in BoundPromise
build() - Method in EventBusBuilder
Tries to auto discover and build the event bus
build() - Method in PromiseFactoryBuilder
Builds the default PromiseFactory
buildClosureSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in AbstractEventBus
buildClosureSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in RxEventBus
buildDelegatingMethodCall(org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.MethodCallExpression, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.stmt.BlockStatement) - Method in PublisherTransform
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in AbstractEventBus
Build a new trigger to set off notifications
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in ActorEventBus
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in ExecutorEventBus
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in RxEventBus
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in SpringEventBus
buildNotificationCallable(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in SynchronousEventBus
buildNotificationTrigger(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in AbstractEventBus
Build a new trigger to set off notifications
buildSubscriberSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Method in AbstractEventBus
buildSubscriberSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Method in RxEventBus
buildTrigger(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in ClosureSubscription
buildTrigger(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in EventSubscriberSubscription
buildTrigger(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Subscription
Builds a trigger
Bus - Interface in reactor.bus
Basic unit of event handling in Reactor.


CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory - Class in org.grails.async.factory.future
A promise factory that uses an ExecutorService by default
CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory.1 - Class in org.grails.async.factory.future
CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory.1() - Constructor in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory.1
CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory(int, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Constructor in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
call(T) - Method in MethodSubscriber
call(T) - Method in Subscriber
Calls the event subscriber
callable - Property in SynchronousPromise
callSpread(groovy.lang.Closure, java.lang.Object) - Method in ClosureEventTrigger
cancel() - Method in AbstractSubscription
cancel(boolean) - Method in BoundPromise
cancel(boolean) - Method in GparsPromise
cancel(boolean) - Method in PromiseList
Synchronously obtains all the values from all the promises
cancel(boolean) - Method in PromiseMap
cancel() - Method in Subscription
Cancel the registration
cancel(boolean) - Method in SynchronousPromise
clearEventConsumers(java.lang.Object) - Method in Events
Clears event consumers for the given key
close() - Method in ActorEventBus
close() - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
ClosureEventTrigger - Class in org.grails.events
Triggers an event
ClosureEventTrigger(Event<T>, groovy.lang.Closure, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in ClosureEventTrigger
ClosureSubscription - Class in org.grails.events.registry
A subscription via a Closure
ClosureSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, Map<CharSequence, Collection<Subscription>>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in ClosureSubscription
complete() - Method in GrailsAsyncContext
completionHandlers - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
Consumer - Annotation Type in reactor.spring.context.annotation
No longer necessary, remove from your class
containsKey(K) - Method in PromiseMap
key - The key
ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async
Async support for the Grails 2.0.
ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin() - Constructor in ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin
conversionService - Property in MethodSubscriber
createBoundPromise(T) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
createBoundPromise(T) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
createBoundPromise(T) - Method in PromiseFactory
Creates a promise with a value pre-bound to it
createBoundPromise(T) - Method in Promises
createBoundPromise(T) - Method in WebPromises
createDefaultEventBus() - Method in EventBusBuilder
createDefaultEventBus() - Method in EventBusFactoryBean
createListener(Class<T>) - Method in GrailsAsyncContext
createPool(boolean, int) - Method in LoggingPoolFactory
createPromise(Map<K, V>) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
See Also:
createPromise(Closure<T>) - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
createPromise(Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
createPromise(List<Closure<T>>) - Method in PromiseFactory
Creates a promise from one or many closures
createPromise(Promise<T>) - Method in Promises
createPromise(Closure<T>) - Method in RxPromiseFactory
createPromise(Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromiseFactory
createPromise(Promise<T>) - Method in WebPromises
createPromiseInternal(Closure<T>) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
createThreadNameMethod - Field in LoggingPoolFactory
createTransactionalPromiseDecorator(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager, java.lang.reflect.Method) - Method in TransactionalAsyncTransformUtils
Creates a TransactionalPromiseDecorator for the given transactionManager and method to be invoked


data - Property in Event
The data of the event
datastores - Property in GormDispatcherRegistrar
decorate(Closure<D>) - Method in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
decorate(Closure<D>) - Method in PersistenceContextPromiseDecorator
decorate(Closure<D>) - Method in PromiseDecorator
Decorates the given closures, returning the decorated closure
decorate(Closure<D>) - Method in TransactionalPromiseDecorator
DefaultDelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer - Class in org.grails.async.transform.internal
Modifies the
transform to take into account transactional services.
DefaultDelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer() - Constructor in DefaultDelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer
delegate - Property in GrailsAsyncContext
DelegateAsync - Annotation Type in grails.async
An AST transformation that takes each method in the given class and adds a delegate method that returns a Promise and executes the method asynchronously.
DelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer - Interface in org.grails.async.transform.internal
Interface for a class that handles transforming async transactional methods
DelegateAsyncTransformation - Class in org.grails.async.transform.internal
Implementation of DelegateAsync transformation
DelegateAsyncUtils - Class in org.grails.async.transform.internal
Helps looking up the decorators
DelegateAsyncUtils() - Constructor in DelegateAsyncUtils
dispatch() - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
dispatch(org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event.AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in GormAnnotatedListener
Dispatch the event to this listener
doWithSpring() - Method in ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin
doWithSpring() - Method in EventBusGrailsPlugin


enhanceClassNode(org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode) - Method in PublisherTransform
error() - Method in Events
The id of the event to notify in the case of an error
error() - Method in Publisher
The id of the event to notify in the case of an error
Event - Class in reactor.bus
Here for compatibility only.
event - Property in AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger
event - Property in ClosureEventTrigger
Event(java.lang.String, T) - Constructor in Event
event - Property in EventSubscriberTrigger
event - Property in EventWithReply
EVENT_SUFFIX - Field in SpringEventTranslator
EventBus - Class in reactor.bus
Here for compatibility only.
eventBus - Property in EventBus
eventBus - Property in EventBusFactoryBean
eventBus - Property in Events
eventBus - Field in GormDispatcherRegistrar
eventBus - Field in GormEventDispatcher
EventBusAware - Trait in grails.events.bus
Trait for classes aware of the event bus
EventBusBuilder - Class in grails.events.bus
Tries to build the default event bus
EventBusBuilder() - Constructor in EventBusBuilder
EventBusFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.events.bus.spring
Factory bean for usage within Spring
EventBusFactoryBean() - Constructor in EventBusFactoryBean
EventBusGrailsPlugin - Class in org.grails.plugins.events
A plugin that integrates Reactor into Grails
EventBusGrailsPlugin() - Constructor in EventBusGrailsPlugin
EventEmitter - Interface in grails.events.emitter
An emitter sends events
eventFor(Map<String, Object>, T, Closure<Throwable>) - Method in Events
Creates an Event for the given headers, data and error consumer
eventIdForMethodName(java.lang.String) - Method in EventIdUtils
EventIdUtils - Class in org.grails.events
EventIdUtils() - Constructor in EventIdUtils
eventKey - Property in AbstractSubscription
EventPublisher - Trait in grails.events
A trait that can be implemented to make a class an event publisher
Events - Annotation Type in grails.events.annotation
Allows the definition of common event settings at the class level
EventSubscriber - Interface in grails.events.subscriber
An interface for subscribers that accept the Event as an argument
EventSubscriberSubscription - Class in org.grails.events.registry
An event subscription for an Subscriber
EventSubscriberSubscription(java.lang.CharSequence, Map<CharSequence, Collection<Subscription>>, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Constructor in EventSubscriberSubscription
EventSubscriberTrigger - Class in org.grails.events
Simple trigger for an Subscriber
EventSubscriberTrigger(grails.events.Event, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Constructor in EventSubscriberTrigger
EventTrigger - Interface in grails.events.trigger
Encapsulates the execution of an event
EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization(org.grails.events.bus.AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Constructor in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
EventWithReply - Class in org.grails.events.rxjava2
An event with a reply
EventWithReply(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in EventWithReply
exceptionHandlers - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
executed - Property in SynchronousPromise
executor - Property in ExecutorEventBus
ExecutorEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.bus
An event bus that uses an java.util.concurrent.Executor
ExecutorEventBus(java.util.concurrent.Executor) - Constructor in ExecutorEventBus
ExecutorPromiseFactory - Interface in org.grails.async.factory.future
Interface for classes that are both a PromiseFactory and an ExecutorService
executorService - Property in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory


findDecorators() - Method in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy
findDecorators() - Method in PromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy
from(java.lang.String, Map<String, Object>, T) - Method in Event
Wrap the given object with an Event.
FutureTaskPromise - Class in org.grails.async.factory.future
A Promise that is a java.util.concurrent.FutureTask
FutureTaskPromise(grails.async.PromiseFactory, java.lang.Runnable, T) - Constructor in FutureTaskPromise


GDM_EVENT_PACKAGE - Field in SpringEventTranslator
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in BoundPromise
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in GparsPromise
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in PromiseList
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in PromiseMap
Synchronously return the populated map with all values obtained from promises used inside the populated map
get(long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in SynchronousPromise
getAnnotationType() - Method in PublisherTransform
getAnnotationType() - Method in SubscriberTransform
getAppliedMarker() - Method in PublisherTransform
getAppliedMarker() - Method in SubscriberTransform
getAt(K) - Method in PromiseMap
Gets a promise instance for the given key
getDecorators() - Method in PromiseDecoratorProvider
A list of decorators
getEvent() - Method in EventTrigger
The event being triggered
getEventBus() - Method in EventBusAware
Retrieves the event bus
getObject() - Method in EventBusFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in GormDispatcherRegistrar
getObject() - Method in PromiseFactoryBean
getObject() - Method in Selector
Get the object being used for comparisons and equals checks.
getObjectType() - Method in EventBusFactoryBean
getObjectType() - Method in GormDispatcherRegistrar
getObjectType() - Method in PromiseFactoryBean
getOrder() - Method in PublisherTransform
getPersistenceInterceptors(org.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest) - Method in GrailsAsyncContext
getPromiseDecorators(java.lang.Object, Collection<PromiseDecorator>) - Method in DelegateAsyncUtils
Obtains all PromiseDecorator instances for the target and additional decorators supplied
getPromiseFactory() - Method in Promises
getPromiseFactory() - Method in WebPromises
getRenamedMethodPrefix() - Method in PublisherTransform
getReplyTo() - Method in Event
Get the key to send replies to.
getSetTransactionManagerMethodBody(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode) - Method in DefaultDelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer
getSource() - Method in SpringEventBusEvent
getSubscribedEvents() - Method in GormAnnotatedSubscriber
getSubscribedMethods() - Method in AnnotatedSubscriber
getSubscriber() - Method in ClosureEventTrigger
getSubscriber() - Method in EventTrigger
The event listener
getTraitClass() - Method in SubscriberTransform
GormAnnotatedListener - Trait in org.grails.events.gorm
Marks a class as a synchronous listener of GORM events
GormAnnotatedSubscriber - Trait in org.grails.events.gorm
The events subscribed to
GormDispatcherRegistrar - Class in org.grails.events.gorm
Handles registering of GORM event listeners for GormAnnotatedSubscriber instances
GormDispatcherRegistrar(grails.events.bus.EventBus) - Constructor in GormDispatcherRegistrar
GormEventDispatcher - Class in org.grails.events.gorm
Dispatches GORM events to the EventBus
GormEventDispatcher(grails.events.bus.EventBus, org.grails.datastore.mapping.core.Datastore, Set<Class<? extends AbstractPersistenceEvent>>, List<GormAnnotatedListener>) - Constructor in GormEventDispatcher
GPARS_PRESENT - Property in GparsPromiseFactory
GparsPromise - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
Implementation of Promise interface for Gpars
GparsPromise(grails.async.PromiseFactory, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in GparsPromise
GparsPromiseFactory - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
GPars implementation of the PromiseFactory interface
GparsPromiseFactory() - Constructor in GparsPromiseFactory
GrailsAsyncContext - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async
Wraps an AsyncContext providing additional logic to provide the appropriate context to a Grails application.
GrailsAsyncContext(jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext, org.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest, grails.async.web.AsyncGrailsWebRequest) - Constructor in GrailsAsyncContext
grailsVersion - Property in ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin
grailsVersion - Property in EventBusGrailsPlugin
GROOVY_OBJECT_CLASS_NODE - Field in DelegateAsyncTransformation


handleComplete(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletResponse, jakarta.servlet.AsyncContext) - Method in AsyncActionResultTransformer
hasEventSubscribers - Field in GormEventDispatcher
hasListeners - Field in GormEventDispatcher


id - Property in Event
The id of the event
initialized - Field in PromiseList
internalPromise - Property in GparsPromise
invokeClosure(groovy.lang.Closure, java.lang.Object) - Method in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
isActive() - Method in AbstractEventBus
isActive() - Method in ActorEventBus
isActive() - Method in EventBus
Whether the event bus is active or has been shutdown
isAsyncComplete() - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
isAsyncStarted() - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
isCancelled() - Method in AbstractSubscription
isCancelled() - Method in BoundPromise
isCancelled() - Method in GparsPromise
isCancelled() - Method in PromiseList
isCancelled() - Method in PromiseMap
isCancelled() - Method in Subscription
Whether it is cancelled
isCancelled() - Method in SynchronousPromise
isDone() - Method in BoundPromise
isDone() - Method in FutureTaskPromise
isDone() - Method in GparsPromise
isDone() - Method in PromiseList
isDone() - Method in PromiseMap
isDone() - Method in SynchronousPromise
isEmpty() - Method in PromiseMap
Whether the map is empty
isGparsAvailable() - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
isSingleton() - Method in EventBusFactoryBean
isSingleton() - Method in GormDispatcherRegistrar
isSingleton() - Method in PromiseFactoryBean
isValidAnnotation(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotatedNode) - Method in SubscriberTransform




leftShift(Closure<T>) - Method in BoundPromise
leftShift(Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromise
leftShift(Promise<T>) - Method in PromiseList
Add a promise to the promise list
leftShift(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PromiseMap
leftShift(Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromise
listenedForEvents - Field in GormEventDispatcher
Listener - Annotation Type in grails.events.annotation.gorm
A Listener is like a Subscriber for GORM events, but is dispatched synchronously
listener - Property in ClosureSubscription
listeners - Field in GormEventDispatcher
loadAfter - Property in ControllersAsyncGrailsPlugin
LOG - Field in LoggingPoolFactory
LoggingPoolFactory - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
A pool factory that logs error instead of printing them to standard err as is the default in GPars
LoggingPoolFactory.1 - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
LoggingPoolFactory.1.1 - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
LoggingPoolFactory.1.1() - Constructor in LoggingPoolFactory.1.1
LoggingPoolFactory.1() - Constructor in LoggingPoolFactory.1
LoggingPoolFactory.2 - Class in org.grails.async.factory.gpars
LoggingPoolFactory.2() - Constructor in LoggingPoolFactory.2
LoggingPoolFactory() - Constructor in LoggingPoolFactory
lookup(jakarta.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
Looks up the GrailsWebRequest from the current request.
lookupAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer() - Method in DelegateAsyncTransformation
lookupStrategies - Field in AbstractPromiseFactory


matches(T) - Method in Selector
Indicates whether this Selector matches the key.
method - Property in MethodSubscriber
MethodEventSubscriber - Class in grails.events.subscriber
A method subscribers for methods that accept an event argument
MethodEventSubscriber(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Method) - Constructor in MethodEventSubscriber
MethodSubscriber - Class in grails.events.subscriber
Invokes a method to trigger an event
MethodSubscriber(java.lang.Object, java.lang.reflect.Method) - Constructor in MethodSubscriber


namespace() - Method in Events
The namespace of the events
newTaskFor(java.lang.Runnable, T) - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory.1
newThread(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in LoggingPoolFactory.1
notificationTrigger - Property in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
NotificationTrigger(grails.events.Event, Collection<Subscription>, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger
notify(grails.events.Event, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Method in AbstractEventBus
notify(java.lang.Object, T) - Method in Bus
Notify this component that an Event is ready to be processed.
notify(java.lang.Object, java.lang.Object) - Method in EventBus
notify(grails.events.Event, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Method in EventEmitter
Notify of an event
notify(grails.events.Event, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Method in EventPublisher
notify(java.lang.Object, Closure<E>) - Method in Events


OBJECT_CLASS_NODE - Field in DelegateAsyncTransformation
on(java.lang.CharSequence, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in AbstractEventBus
on(reactor.bus.selector.Selector, Consumer<V>) - Method in Bus
Register a Consumer to be triggered when a notification matches the given Selector.
on(reactor.bus.selector.Selector, reactor.fn.Consumer) - Method in EventBus
on(reactor.bus.selector.Selector, Consumer<E>) - Method in Events
Register a Consumer to be triggered when a notification matches the given Selector.
on(java.lang.CharSequence, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Subjects
Listen for an event
onApplicationEvent(org.springframework.context.ApplicationEvent) - Method in SpringEventTranslator
onComplete(jakarta.servlet.AsyncEvent) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
onComplete(Closure<T>) - Method in BoundPromise
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
onComplete(Closure<T>) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
onComplete(Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromise
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
onComplete(Closure<T>) - Method in Promise
Execute the given closure when the promise completes
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in PromiseFactory
Executes the given callback when the list of promises completes
onComplete(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PromiseList
Execute the given closure when all promises are complete
onComplete(Closure<Map<K, V>>) - Method in PromiseMap
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in Promises
onComplete() - Method in RxPromise.1
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in RxPromiseFactory
onComplete(Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromise
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromiseFactory
onComplete(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<T>) - Method in WebPromises
onError(jakarta.servlet.AsyncEvent) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
onError(Closure<T>) - Method in BoundPromise
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
onError(Closure<T>) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
onError(Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromise
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
onError(Closure<T>) - Method in Promise
Execute the given closure when an error occurs
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in PromiseFactory
Executes the given callback if an error occurs for the list of promises
onError(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PromiseList
onError(Closure<Map<K, V>>) - Method in PromiseMap
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in Promises
onError(java.lang.Throwable) - Method in RxPromise.1
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in RxPromiseFactory
onError(Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromise
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in SynchronousPromiseFactory
onError(List<Promise<T>>, Closure<?>) - Method in WebPromises
onNext(T) - Method in RxPromise.1
onPersistenceEvent(org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event.AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in GormEventDispatcher
onStartAsync(jakarta.servlet.AsyncEvent) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
onSubscribe(io.reactivex.disposables.Disposable) - Method in RxPromise.1
onTimeout(jakarta.servlet.AsyncEvent) - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
originalWebRequest - Property in GrailsAsyncContext


parameterLength - Property in MethodSubscriber
parameters - Property in Event
The parameters for the event
parameterTypes - Property in MethodSubscriber
persistenceContextInterceptorExecutor - Property in PersistenceContextPromiseDecorator
PersistenceContextPromiseDecorator - Class in grails.async.services
A PromiseDecorator that wraps a promise execution in a persistence context (example Hibernate session)
PersistenceContextPromiseDecorator(grails.persistence.support.PersistenceContextInterceptorExecutor) - Constructor in PersistenceContextPromiseDecorator
phase() - Method in Events
The transaction phase to subscribe on
phase() - Method in Publisher
The transaction phase to subscribe on
POSITION - Field in PublisherTransform
The position of the transform.
proceed() - Method in ClosureEventTrigger
proceed() - Method in EventSubscriberTrigger
proceed() - Method in EventTrigger
Proceed to trigger the event
Promise - Interface in grails.async
Encapsulates the notion of a Promise, a Future-like interface designed to easy integration of asynchronous functions
PromiseDecorator - Interface in grails.async.decorator
Decorates any function execution potentially wrapping an asynchronous function execution in new functionality.
PromiseDecoratorLookupStrategy - Interface in grails.async.decorator
A lookup strategy for PromiseDecorator instances
PromiseDecoratorProvider - Interface in grails.async.decorator
Interface for classes that provide promise decorators to implement
PromiseFactory - Interface in grails.async
An interface capable of creating Promise instances.
promiseFactory - Property in Promises
promiseFactory - Property in WebPromises
PromiseFactoryBean - Class in org.grails.plugins.web.async.spring
Factory bean for Spring integration
PromiseFactoryBean() - Constructor in PromiseFactoryBean
PromiseFactoryBuilder - Class in org.grails.async.factory
Constructs the default promise factory
PromiseFactoryBuilder() - Constructor in PromiseFactoryBuilder
PromiseList - Class in grails.async
A list of promises
PromiseList() - Constructor in PromiseList
PromiseMap - Class in grails.async
A map-like structure for promises that allows waiting for all values in the map to be populated before executing a callback
PromiseMap(Map<K, V>) - Constructor in PromiseMap
Promises - Class in grails.async
Factory class for working with Promise instances
promises - Field in PromiseList
promises - Field in PromiseMap
promisesKeys - Field in PromiseMap
publish(grails.events.Event, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Method in AbstractEventBus
publish(grails.events.Event, org.springframework.transaction.event.TransactionPhase) - Method in EventEmitter
publish(grails.events.Event) - Method in EventPublisher
Publisher - Annotation Type in grails.events.annotation
Transforms a method so the return value is emitted as an event
PublisherTransform - Class in org.grails.events.transform
A transform that transforms a method publishing the result to the given event
PublisherTransform() - Constructor in PublisherTransform
put(K, Closure<V>) - Method in PromiseMap
Adds a callable for the given key
putAt(java.lang.Integer, Closure<V>) - Method in PromiseMap
Adds a promise for the given key



registerMethods() - Method in AnnotatedSubscriber
Registration - Interface in reactor.bus.registry
Here for compatibility only.
rejectedExecution(java.lang.Runnable, java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor) - Method in LoggingPoolFactory.2
reply - Property in AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger
reply - Property in ClosureEventTrigger
reply - Property in EventWithReply
replyTo - Property in SpringEventBusEvent
respondsToKey(java.lang.Object) - Method in Bus
Are there any Subscriptions with Selectors that match the given key.
respondsToKey(java.lang.Object) - Method in EventBus
run() - Method in AbstractEventBus.1
RxEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.rxjava2
An EventBus implementation that uses RxJava
RxEventBus(rx.Scheduler) - Constructor in RxEventBus
RxPromise.1 - Class in org.grails.async.factory.rxjava2
RxPromise.1() - Constructor in RxPromise.1
RxPromiseFactory - Class in org.grails.async.factory.rxjava2
An RxJava PromiseFactory implementation
RxPromiseFactory() - Constructor in RxPromiseFactory


scheduler - Property in RxEventBus
Selector - Annotation Type in reactor.spring.context.annotation
Use Subscriber instead
sendAndReceive(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in AbstractEventBus
sendAndReceive(java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Object, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in EventEmitter
Send and event and receive a reply.
sendAndReceive(java.lang.CharSequence, java.lang.Object, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in EventPublisher
sendAndReceive(java.lang.Object, groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in Events
Service - Trait in grails.artefact
A trait implemented for services that implement events
set(T) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
setApplicationContext(org.springframework.context.ApplicationContext) - Method in SpringEventTranslator
setException(java.lang.Throwable) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
setPromiseFactory(grails.async.PromiseFactory) - Method in Promises
setPromiseFactory(grails.async.PromiseFactory) - Method in WebPromises
setReplyTo(java.lang.Object) - Method in Event
Set the key that interested parties should send replies to.
setTargetEventBus(grails.events.bus.EventBus) - Method in EventBusAware
Sets the target event bus to use
size() - Method in PromiseMap
The size the map
SPRING_PACKAGE - Field in SpringEventTranslator
SpringEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.spring
An event bus that uses the Spring Event Publisher
SpringEventBus(org.springframework.context.ConfigurableApplicationContext) - Constructor in SpringEventBus
SpringEventBusEvent - Class in org.grails.events.spring
An event issues by the SpringEventBus
SpringEventBusEvent(grails.events.Event, groovy.lang.Closure) - Constructor in SpringEventBusEvent
Create a new ApplicationEvent.
SpringEventTranslator - Class in org.grails.events.spring
Translates Spring Events into Reactor events
SpringEventTranslator(grails.events.bus.EventBus) - Constructor in SpringEventTranslator
start(java.lang.Runnable) - Method in GrailsAsyncContext
startAsync() - Method in AsyncController
Raw access to the Servlet 3.0 startAsync method
startAsync() - Method in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
Subjects - Interface in grails.events.subscriber
An event subscriber
subjects - Field in RxEventBus
subscribe(java.lang.CharSequence, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Method in AbstractEventBus
subscribe(java.lang.CharSequence, grails.events.subscriber.Subscriber) - Method in Subjects
Listen for an event
subscribedEvents - Field in GormEventDispatcher
Subscriber - Interface in grails.events.subscriber
Functional interface for event listeners
subscriber - Property in EventSubscriberSubscription
subscriber - Property in EventSubscriberTrigger
subscriberClosure - Property in ClosureEventTrigger
subscribers - Property in GormDispatcherRegistrar
SubscriberTransform - Class in org.grails.events.transform
An AST transformation that adds the AnnotatedSubscriber
SubscriberTransform() - Constructor in SubscriberTransform
Subscription - Interface in reactor.bus.registry
Here for compatibility only.
subscriptions - Field in AbstractEventBus
subscriptions - Property in AbstractEventBus.NotificationTrigger
supports(org.grails.datastore.mapping.engine.event.AbstractPersistenceEvent) - Method in GormAnnotatedListener
Whether the listener supports the given event
supportsEventType(Class<? extends ApplicationEvent>) - Method in GormEventDispatcher
supportsSourceType(Class<?>) - Method in GormEventDispatcher
SynchronousEventBus - Class in org.grails.events.bus
A default synchronous event bus for testing
SynchronousEventBus() - Constructor in SynchronousEventBus
SynchronousPromise - Class in org.grails.async.factory
A promise that executes synchronously, in the same thread as the creator
SynchronousPromise(Closure<T>) - Constructor in SynchronousPromise
SynchronousPromiseFactory - Class in org.grails.async.factory
A PromiseFactory implementation that constructors promises that execute synchronously.
SynchronousPromiseFactory() - Constructor in SynchronousPromiseFactory


target - Property in MethodSubscriber
task(Closure<T>) - Method in Promises
task(Closure<T>) - Method in WebPromises
tasks(List<Closure<T>>) - Method in Promises
tasks(List<Closure<T>>) - Method in WebPromises
then(Closure<T>) - Method in BoundPromise
then(Closure<T>) - Method in FutureTaskPromise
then(Closure<T>) - Method in GparsPromise
then(Closure<T>) - Method in Promise
Same as #onComplete
then(groovy.lang.Closure) - Method in PromiseList
then(Closure<Map<K, V>>) - Method in PromiseMap
then(Closure<T>) - Method in SynchronousPromise
timeout - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
timeoutHandlers - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
timeoutReached - Property in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator
toGparsPromises(List<Promise<T>>) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
TransactionalAsyncTransformUtils - Class in org.grails.compiler.web.async
Utility methods for use by Async transformations
TransactionalAsyncTransformUtils() - Constructor in TransactionalAsyncTransformUtils
TransactionalPromiseDecorator - Class in grails.async.services
A PromiseDecorator that wraps a Promise in a transaction
TransactionalPromiseDecorator(org.springframework.transaction.PlatformTransactionManager, org.springframework.transaction.annotation.Transactional) - Constructor in TransactionalPromiseDecorator
transactionDefinition - Property in TransactionalPromiseDecorator
transactionManager - Property in TransactionalPromiseDecorator
transactionPhase - Property in AbstractEventBus.EventTriggerTransactionSynchronization
transformActionResult(org.grails.web.servlet.mvc.GrailsWebRequest, java.lang.String, java.lang.Object) - Method in AsyncActionResultTransformer
transformTransactionalMethod(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression) - Method in DefaultDelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer
transformTransactionalMethod(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ClassNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.MethodNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.expr.ListExpression) - Method in DelegateAsyncTransactionalMethodTransformer
TRANSLATE_SPRING_EVENTS - Field in EventBusGrailsPlugin
Whether to translate GORM events into reactor events


uncaughtException(java.lang.Thread, java.lang.Throwable) - Method in LoggingPoolFactory.1.1
unsubscribeAll(java.lang.CharSequence) - Method in AbstractEventBus
unsubscribeAll(java.lang.CharSequence) - Method in Subjects
Clear all listeners for the given event


value - Property in BoundPromise
value() - Method in DelegateAsync
value() - Method in Listener
The types this listener listens for
value() - Method in Publisher
The id of the event
value() - Method in Selector
The id of the event
value() - Method in Subscriber
The id of the event
value - Property in SynchronousPromise
visit(org.codehaus.groovy.ast.ASTNode, org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit) - Method in DelegateAsyncTransformation
visit(org.codehaus.groovy.control.SourceUnit, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotationNode, org.codehaus.groovy.ast.AnnotatedNode) - Method in SubscriberTransform


waitAll(Promise<T>) - Method in AbstractPromiseFactory
See Also:
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in CachedThreadPoolPromiseFactory
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in GparsPromiseFactory
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in PromiseFactory
Synchronously waits for all promises to complete returning a list of values
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in Promises
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in RxPromiseFactory
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in SynchronousPromiseFactory
waitAll(List<Promise<T>>, long, java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit) - Method in WebPromises
WEB_REQUEST - Property in AsyncGrailsWebRequest
WebPromises - Class in grails.async.web
A specific promises factory class designed for use in controllers and other web contexts
webRequest - Property in AsyncWebRequestPromiseDecorator





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